SageCRM 6.1
Wireless Mobile Guide
Chapter 1: Introduction
Introduction................................................................... 1-1
Chapter Summary ......................................................... 1-2
Chapter 2: Getting Started
Prerequisites .................................................................. 2-1
Mobile Devices ................................................................ 2-2
Enabling Users............................................................. 2-2
URLs for Accessing CRM....................................................... 2-2
Making Devices Known to CRM ................................................ 2-3
Setting Up New Devices .................................................... 2-3
Mapping User Agents ...................................................... 2-5
Mapping Unassigned User Agents........................................... 2-6
Wireless Mobile Screen Customization........................................... 2-7
Customizing Mobile Screens ................................................ 2-7
Customizing Dashboards for Mobile ..................................... 2-7
Customizing WAP Screens.................................................. 2-8
Now you can…................................................................ 2-9
Chapter 3: Working with CRM from a Mobile Device
Introduction................................................................... 3-1
Logging On ................................................................... 3-1
Logging Off ................................................................... 3-2
Moving Around ............................................................... 3-3
The Basic Screen Elements .................................................. 3-3
Finding Information ........................................................... 3-4
Example: Finding a Person.................................................. 3-4
Example: Finding an Opportunity ........................................... 3-5
Adding Customer Information .................................................. 3-6
Example: Adding a Person to a Company .................................... 3-6
Doing Your Work.............................................................. 3-7
Wireless Mobile Guide
Navigating Your Calendar .................................................. 3-7
Managing Leads, Opportunities, and Cases ....................................... 3-9
Reporting .................................................................... 3-10
Running a Report.......................................................... 3-10
Dashboard.................................................................... 3-12
Synchronizing with Microsoft Outlook .......................................... 3-13
Now you can… ............................................................... 3-13
Chapter 4: Working with CRM from a WAP Mobile Phone
Moving Around................................................................ 4-1
Basic Navigation Elements .................................................. 4-1
Logging on ................................................................ 4-2
Finding Contact Information .................................................... 4-3
Searching for a Person ...................................................... 4-3
Searching for a Company.................................................... 4-4
Doing Your Work .............................................................. 4-5
Navigating your Communications List ....................................... 4-5
Navigating your Calendar................................................... 4-6
Changing the Status of a Communication ..................................... 4-7
Finding and Progressing an Opportunity ......................................... 4-8
Example: Closing a Sale ..................................................... 4-8
Finding and Progressing a Case.................................................. 4-9
Example: Progressing a Case ................................................ 4-9
Now you can… ............................................................... 4-10
ii Sage CRM
Chapter 1
This guide is for Users and System Administrators.
Please note that while the document refers to Sage CRM, CRM, or the CRM
system throughout, all functionality covered is also relevant to SageCRM,
SageCRM for Sage Accpac and Softline Accpac CRM.
We assume that:
Users operate PDA devices, BlackBerry phones or WAP-enabled mobile
phones. Familiarity with using Sage CRM over a standard Web browser
would also be helpful, although not essential.
System Administrators are fully conversant with the User Guide and System
Administrator Guide.
Sage CRM's Wireless Mobile solution allows you to work online with CRM from
a mobile device, such as a BlackBerry Pearl, a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant),
or a WAP-enabled mobile phone.
BlackBerry Pearl
WAP Phone
BlackBerry Pearl. To work online with a BlackBerry, it must be a Model 8100
which is capable of connecting to the Internet.
PDA. To work online with a PDA, it must be capable of connecting to the
company's CRM system via the Internet or LAN.
Wireless Mobile Guide 1–1
WAP Mobile Phone. To work online with a mobile phone, it needs to be
enabled for WAP and configured to connect to the company's CRM system
through a WAP gateway.
WAP gateways make it possible for WAP devices to communicate with Web
servers (for example, the server on which CRM resides). Most mobile phone
operators provide a WAP gateway service. Once you have secured access to a
WAP gateway, contact the operator for instructions on how to set up the mobile
phones to use the gateway. You then need to provide users with information on
how to set up their phones.
If a firewall has been installed at the implementation site, you need to take steps
to ensure that traffic directed to the CRM server via the WAP gateway gets
through. If the server is configured to allow access from all HTTP traffic (that is,
if port 80 is open) WAP traffic can access the CRM server. For further
information on server security refer to the "Security Overview" chapter in the
System Administrator Guide.
Chapter Summary
The table below gives a summary of each chapter.
Outlines the steps that users and system
administrators need to take in order to access
CRM from mobile device.
Getting Started
Working with CRM
from a Mobile Device
How to work with CRM from a BlackBerry
or a PDA.
Working with CRM
from a WAP Mobile
How to work with CRM from a WAP-
enabled mobile phone.
1–2 Sage CRM
Chapter 2
Getting Started
In this chapter you will learn about:
Mobile devices supported by CRM.
URLs for accessing CRM.
Making devices known to CRM.
Customizing Wireless Mobile screens.
To use CRM's Wireless Mobile solution, you need:
CRM installed on a server with a valid Wireless Mobile license key.
Mobile devices for users.
To have enabled users for mobile access.
Connectivity from the mobile devices to your corporate network, the
Internet, or WAP gateway (see "Introduction" in Chapter 1).
URLs set up by the Network Administrator for access to the CRM system
from inside and outside your corporate network.
To make the different mobile device types known to your CRM system.
To consider customizations to be made to such areas as screens, lists, tabs,
and the Dashboard for improved viewing on mobile devices.
Wireless Mobile Guide 2–1
Mobile Devices
Mobile Devices
In addition to all WAP-enabled mobile phones, CRM's Wireless Mobile solution
supports the following PDA devices and mobile phones:
Pocket PC
BlackBerry Pearl Model 8100
Any other mobile device with a
browser that supports WML 1.1
Enabling Users
All users who want to access CRM from a mobile device need to be enabled to do
To enable a user for mobile:
1. Select Administration | Users | Users.
2. Select the hyperlink of the user you want to enable, and select the Change
action button.
3. Ensure that the PDA/WAP Access field has been set to True.
4. Select Save.
URLs for Accessing CRM
Your Network Administrator needs to set up URLs for all mobile users so that
they can access Mobile online from inside or outside the corporate network.
The URL for accessing CRM from inside the corporate network is the same as the
URL for accessing CRM from your desktop and is typically in the following
The URL for accessing CRM from outside the corporate network typically
includes your company's IP address. The URL is normally in the following
2–2 Sage CRM
Making Devices Known to CRM
Making Devices Known to CRM
Setting Up New Devices
It is unlikely that you
will need to set up
any new devices, as
most of them are set
up in CRM by default.
When Wireless Mobile is installed, a number of mobile device types are set up
by default. The default devices should be sufficient for the range of mobile
devices that you will use to access CRM. However, you can specify additional
devices if required. When you add a new device it is recommended that you
base it on one of the previously set up devices. Otherwise, you will need to set
up a folder with device-specific images for CRM to use.
To set up a new device:
1. Click on Administration | Advanced Customization and select Devices from
Advanced Customization Home page.
A list of default devices is displayed.
Devices list
2. Click the New Device button.
The Device input form is displayed.
Device input form
3. Type a description of the device you want to set up in the Administrative
Description field.
4. Enter a description of the device for the end user in the User Description
Wireless Mobile Guide 2–3
Making Devices Known to CRM
5. Select the XSL transformation file your device requires from the XSL File
Name list.
6. Select an alternative device from the Based On Device list if the device you
are setting up is not included on the Devices list in Administration |
Customization | <Entity> | Screens.
7. If your device uses a unique markup language to send information to CRM,
type the language name in the HTTP Accepts field.
8. In the HTTP Content Type field, type the language that CRM will use to
reply to the device.
9. Select Yes or No from the Supports HTML frames drop-down list to specify
whether or not the device supports frames.
10. When you click the Save button, the new device is displayed in the list of
The table below explains the standard fields on the Device input form.
The description the administrator
uses for the device being set up.
User Description
XSL File Name
Based On Device
The description of the device that the
end user sees in CRM. This
description should make it clear to the
user what type of device is being
referred to.
The name of the Extensible Stylesheet
Language (XSL) transformation file
required to convert CRM output to a
format that the mobile device can
If the device you are specifying is not
listed in the Devices list in
Administration | Customization |
<Entity> | Screens, you can select an
alternative device from the Based On
Device drop-down list.
HTTP Accepts
You only need to complete this field if
the device you are specifying uses a
unique markup language—for
example, WAP uses WML. When you
specify a markup language, the device
sends a string to CRM to tell it which
2–4 Sage CRM
Making Devices Known to CRM
type of markup language it uses.
HTTP Content Type
This is similar to the HTTP Accepts
field. Specifying a markup language
in this field ensures that when CRM
sends back a reply to the device, it
tells it which markup language it is
Supports HTML
Specify whether or not the device you
are setting up supports HTML frames.
Device Image
Specify the image extension (.jpg, .gif,
.png, etc) to be used with the device.
Device Code Page
Specify the character set. For example,
shiftjs or utf8.
Device Max Rows
Specify the maximum number of rows
that can appear in a grid.
Mapping User Agents
CRM typically maps
user agents
automatically. It is
unlikely that you will
need to map them
Every mobile device has a user agent, which describes the device to CRM. You
only need to map a user agent to a device if the device is not already known to
the CRM system. If you do not map a user agent to the device, CRM determines
which user agent the device uses and maps it automatically.
To map a user agent to a device:
1. From Administration | Advanced Customization | Devices, select a device
from the list of devices by clicking on its hypertext link.
Devices list
The Device input form is displayed.
Wireless Mobile Guide 2–5
Making Devices Known to CRM
Device Input form
2. Type a user agent in the Type A New User Agent field.
User Agent field
3. Click the Add button.
The user agent is mapped to the device.
Mapping Unassigned User Agents
There may be some user agents specified in CRM that have not yet been mapped
to devices.
To map an unassigned user agent:
1. From Administration | Advanced Customization | Devices, select the View
Unassigned User Agents button.
The Unassigned User Agents page is displayed.
Unassigned User Agents
2. Click on the user agent and the device you want to map it to.
3. Select the Save button.
2–6 Sage CRM
Wireless Mobile Screen Customization
The unassigned user agent is now mapped to a device.
Wireless Mobile Screen Customization
Customizing Mobile Screens
Note: This section describes how to customize mobile screens for a PDA or
BlackBerry. It does not apply to WAP screens. WAP screen customization is
described in the "Customizing WAP Screens" section later in this chapter.
A typical CRM installation includes default user interfaces for different types of
mobile devices. However, you may want to further customize some areas. You
should carefully consider the way in which you do this. The VDU on a mobile
device is many times smaller than a standard monitor, so it is important that the
user interface is optimized for the smaller screen size. For example, if you add
too many fields to a BlackBerry or PDA screen, it will look crowded and will be
difficult for the user to work with.
The areas that can be customized for mobile are:
You customize mobile screens, lists, and tabs in the same way as you customize
screens, lists, and tabs in CRM. However one additional step is required:
Before you begin customizing Screens, Lists, or Tabs, you need to select the
correct device type from the devices list. This list is displayed on the Screens,
Lists, and Tabs pages in Administration | Customization | <Entity>.
Devices list
For more detailed information on screen, list, and tab customization, please
refer to the System Administrator Guide.
Customizing Dashboards for Mobile
You can modify Dashboards for mobile users. For example, you may decide to
limit the content available to mobile users, and you may want to configure a
Wireless Mobile Guide 2–7
Wireless Mobile Screen Customization
default Dashboard screen for them. You specify that a Dashboard is available to
mobile users by selecting the Set As Mobile checkbox on the Dashboard Details
screen, and you can then create or modify the Dashboard in the usual way. For
more information on setting up Dashboards for users, please refer to the System
Administrator Guide.
As well as creating Dashboards for mobile devices, you can specify which blocks
are to be made available to mobile users on their Dashboards.
To enable/disable the availability of a block to mobile:
Note: The Extensibility Module is required for block customization.
1. Select Administration | Customization | <Entity> | Blocks, and open the
Maintain Block Definition page for the dashboard block you want to enable
or disable for mobile users.
2. Select or uncheck the Available To Mobile checkbox and click the Save
Customizing WAP Screens
The way in which you access WAP screens and lists (in order to customize them)
is different from the way you customize screens for other mobile devices.
There are a number of screens and lists in Administration | Customization |
<Entity> that are specific to WAP. Their names are all prefixed with "WAP".
You customize WAP screens and lists in the exact same way as you would a
standard "desktop" screen or list. In addition, you need to ensure that the screen
or list is definitely a WAP screen, that is, if the name is prefixed by "WAP".
The following WAP screens and lists are available in CRM:
WAP Company Box Long
WAP Company Box Short
WAP Company Search Box
WAP Company Grid
WAP Person Box Long
WAP Person Search Box
WAP Person Grid
WAP Person List
WAP Address Box
WAP Communication Search Box
2–8 Sage CRM
Now you can…
WAP Communication Box Long
WAP Communication Summary
WAP Communication Email Box
WAP Communication Status Box
WAP Communication List
WAP Communication To Do List
WAP Opportunity Search Box
WAP Opportunity Summary
WAP Opportunity Grid
WAP Opportunity Detail Box
WAP Case Search Box
WAP Case Summary
WAP Case Detail Box
WAP Case Grid
WAP Case Progress Box
Now you can…
List the mobile devices supported by CRM.
Get URLs for accessing CRM.
Make devices known to CRM.
Customize Wireless Mobile screens.
Wireless Mobile Guide 2–9
Chapter 3
Working with CRM from a Mobile Device
In this chapter you will learn about:
Example mobile devices.
Logging on and logging off.
Basic screen elements.
Searching for information.
Adding customer information.
Managing your calendar.
Managing leads, opportunities, and cases.
Viewing reports.
Selecting a Dashboard for your mobile device.
Synchronizing with Microsoft Outlook.
Logging On
This chapter describes how to navigate CRM using a mobile device such as a
PDA or a BlackBerry. WAP-enabled mobile phones are covered in "Chapter 4
Working with CRM from a WAP Phone"
You can reach the Logon page in this way:
1. Open your Web browser and enter the URL given to you by your system
administrator. If you already access CRM from your desktop, type in the
URL you normally use. This usually looks like this:
The Logon page is displayed:
Wireless Mobile Guide 3–1
Logging Off
CRM Logon page
2. Enter your User Name and Password and click the Log On button.
You are logged on. By default, a successful logon displays the My CRM
Calendar for today.
CRM Calendar
Logging Off
To log off:
1. Select the Log Off main menu button at the top of the screen.
You are also automatically logged off if you close the browser window or
navigate to another site within the same browser window.
3–2 Sage CRM
Moving Around
Moving Around
To effectively move around a CRM system using a mobile device, you need to be
aware of the different areas of the screen.
The Basic Screen Elements
This section explains the different areas of a Wireless Mobile screen.
Menu Button
Action Button
Context Area
Context List
Hypertext Link
Menu Buttons. You can move directly from one work area to another using the
Menu Buttons at the top of the screen. Menu Buttons remain the same regardless
of the context you are working in.
Action Buttons. As you work with the system you will need to change the data.
For example, update contact information, progress sales opportunities, and so
on. Action Buttons enable you to do this. The Action Buttons available to you
change depending on what context you are in.
Hypertext Links. You can jump from one page to another using Hypertext
links. For example, when you click on a person's name, the Summary page
associated with that person is displayed.
Context List. These options help you move quickly from one context to another
during the course of your work. For example, when you are reviewing your
Calendar you may want to quickly switch to your pending opportunities or
cases. The Context List allows you to do this.
Context Area. This area of the screen contains the Context List and Action
Wireless Mobile Guide 3–3
Finding Information
Finding Information
This section explains how to perform a basic search and gives some examples of
how to find specific information.
To find information:
1. Click on the Find menu button.
2. Select the item you want to search for from the context list. Options
available are Company, Person, Case, Opportunity, and Lead.
3. Type in one or more search criteria if you want to.
4. Click on the Find action button to start the search.
5. Click on any one of the hyperlinks to drill down on the customer
information. If you get a long list of results that span over several pages,
you can jump to the page number you want by entering the page number in
the Go to page field and pressing the Go arrow.
Go Arrow
Note: The Find menu button is at the top of the screen, the Find action
button is in the context area of the screen.
Example: Finding a Person
To find a person called Bill Jones:
1. Click on the Find menu button, and select Person from the list in the context
The Person Search page is displayed.
2. Type Bill in the First field, and click the Find action button.
3–4 Sage CRM
Finding Information
Search results
A list of people matching your search criteria is displayed.
3. Click on the hypertext link for Bill Jones.
The Person Summary page is displayed.
Example: Finding an Opportunity
To find an opportunity that is linked to a particular company:
1. Click on the Find menu button, and select Company from the list in the
context area.
2. Type Design Right in the Company Name field and select the Find action
3. Click on the hypertext link of Design Right to display the Summary page.
4. Select Opportunities from the list in the context area.
A list of opportunities linked to Design Right is displayed.
Wireless Mobile Guide 3–5
Adding Customer Information
Opportunity linked to a Company
5. Click on the status icon to view the opportunity details.
Adding Customer Information
This section explains how to add customer information and gives an example of
adding a new contact to an existing company.
To add information:
1. Click on the New button from the top of the screen.
2. Select the item you want to create from the context list. Options available are
Company, Person, Individual, Case, Opportunity, Communication, and
3. Type the details in the input form.
4. Select the Save button from the context area.
Example: Adding a Person to a Company
To add a person to an existing company:
1. Find the company you want to add the new contact to.
2. When the Summary page for the company is displayed, select Person from
the list in the context area.
3. Select the New button from the context area.
3–6 Sage CRM
Adding Customer Information
Company – Add Person
4. Complete the person details and select the Save button in the context area.
Note: You can link opportunities, cases, leads, and communications to
companies in the same way.
Wireless Mobile Guide 3–7
Doing Your Work
Doing Your Work
You can schedule tasks and appointments for yourself or for a colleague that are
not linked to any particular entity. You can also create appointments and tasks
that are linked to specific companies, people, opportunities, cases, and leads.
This section provides an example of both and it provides an overview of how to
manage your personal calendar.
Navigating Your Calendar
When you log onto CRM your daily Calendar is displayed. You can switch
between daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly views of your Calendar using the
list in the context area.
If you are not currently in the Calendar context, you can move to it by clicking
the My CRM menu button at the top of the screen.
CRM Calendar
Gray shading indicates the current time or date in the daily and weekly
views, respectively.
The daily and weekly views are divided into Appointments on the top half
of the page and Tasks on the bottom half of the page (you need to scroll
down to view tasks). Filter criteria apply to the calendar—if the Status field is
set to Pending, you will only see pending tasks and appointments in your
The Next and Previous arrows allow you to scroll to the next page of the
view you are in.
To create a new task within the daily view, select the New Task hyperlink.
To create a new appointment:
3–8 Sage CRM
Doing Your Work
Select the time the appointment is due to take place.
Then fill in the details.
You need to scroll down to complete all the fields.
You can assign it to a colleague by selecting their name from the User
When you save it, the communication is saved in your (or your
colleague's) My CRM work area.
New Appointment
Clicking on a specific date on the weekly and monthly views takes you to the
daily view for that day.
Clicking a week in the monthly view takes you to the weekly view for that
Clicking a month in the yearly view takes you to the monthly view for that
You can create a communication that is linked to a person, company,
opportunity, case, by:
Opening the summary page for the person.
Selecting Communication from the list in the context area.
Selecting the New action button.
When you fill in the details and save it, the communication is saved
within the context of the company.
Wireless Mobile Guide 3–9
Managing Leads, Opportunities, and Cases
Managing Leads, Opportunities, and Cases
To create a new lead, opportunity, or case:
1. Click on the New menu button, and select Lead,
Opportunity, or Case from the list in the context area.
New Opportunity
2. Type the details in the input form. You'll need to scroll down
to complete all of the details
3. Select the Save action button from the context area.
Alternatively, you can find a specific person or company and
link the lead, case, or opportunity to it.
3–10 Sage CRM
To update an existing lead, opportunity, or case:
1. Find the lead, opportunity, or case and open the Summary
Opportunity Summary page
2. Select the Edit action button from the context area.
3. Make the changes and select the Save action button from the
context area.
CRM includes sample reports in various categories, for example Sales and
Customer Care. You can run the reports on your mobile device by selecting the
Reports button.
Running a Report
To run a sample report:
1. Select the Reports button.
2. The Reports page is displayed.
3. Select a category from the Select Category list.
A list of reports available in that category is displayed.
Wireless Mobile Guide 3–11
Select Report page
4. Click on the hypertext link of the report you want to run.
The report is displayed.
Cases Open By Company Report - Chart
You may need to scroll down to view the full report details.
Cases Open By Company Report - Detail
Note: You can run any reports that you have created in CRM from your desktop
on your mobile device. You run them in the same way as you run sample
3–12 Sage CRM
You can define the Dashboard you want displayed on your mobile device from
your desktop.
To select a Dashboard for your mobile device:
1. From your desktop, open My CRM | Dashboard.
2. Select the Dashboard you wish to view on your mobile device from the
Dashboard drop-down list.
The Dashboard Content page is displayed.
3. Click on the Edit Dashboard Details button.
The Dashboard Details page is displayed.
4. Select Set As Mobile Dashboard and then click on the Save button.
The Dashboard you have selected will be displayed when you view the
Dashboard from your mobile device.
Please refer to the User Guide for more information on creating and adding
content to dashboards.
To view a Dashboard from your mobile device:
1. Select the My CRM button if you are not already in the My CRM context.
2. Select Dashboard from the list in the context area.
Your preferred Dashboard is displayed.
Dashboard content
Wireless Mobile Guide 3–13
Synchronizing with Microsoft Outlook
Synchronizing with Microsoft Outlook
You can synchronize Microsoft Outlook appointments, tasks, and contact
information with CRM appointments, tasks, and contact information using your
mobile device.
To do this:
1. Ensure that synchronization capabilities are set up between your desktop
and PDA. (Refer to the documentation accompanying your PDA for details
on how to synchronize with your desktop.)
2. Synchronize Pocket Outlook with your desktop version of Outlook to ensure
that you are working with the most up-to-date contacts and appointments
from your PDA.
3. Make changes to contacts, tasks, and appointments from your PDA in Pocket
4. Synchronize Pocket Outlook with your desktop version of Outlook.
5. From CRM, synchronize Outlook on your desktop with your CRM contacts,
tasks, and appointments.
Please refer to the "Working with MS Outlook" in the User Guide for more
information on synchronizing CRM with Outlook.
Now you can…
List example mobile devices.
Log on and off.
Explain basic screen elements.
Search for information.
Add customer information.
Manage your calendar.
Manage leads, opportunities, and cases.
View reports.
Select a Dashboard for your mobile device.
Synchronize with Microsoft Outlook.
3–14 Sage CRM
Now you can…
Wireless Mobile Guide 3–15
Chapter 4
Working with CRM from a WAP Mobile
In this chapter you will learn about:
Moving around and logging on.
Finding contact information.
Managing your Calendar.
Finding and progressing a Sales Opportunity.
Finding and progressing a case.
Moving Around
You must be familiar with the navigation elements on your WAP-enabled mobile
phone before you can log onto and work with CRM. A Nokia 6800 mobile phone
is used for illustration purposes in this document, but you can use any WAP-
enabled mobile phone.
Basic Navigation Elements
Edit box
Navigation Elements
Links. Enable you to move from one page to the next.
Edit Boxes. Enable you to enter text or select from a list of options. Edit
boxes have square brackets around them.
Wireless Mobile Guide 4–1
Moving Around
Logging on
To log onto CRM from your WAP phone:
1. Enter the URL given to you by your Systems Administrator. This usually
looks like this:
2. Bookmark the link.
The CRM Logon page is displayed.
CRM Logon page
3. Select the Logon edit box, and enter your Logon ID and press on the left
hand button below OK.
When the CRM Logon page is displayed, enter your Password and click on
the left hand button.
4. Scroll down and select the Logon link at the end of the page.
The CRM main menu is displayed.
CRM Main Menu
You can now start using CRM.
Note: You can be logged onto CRM on your mobile phone and your
desktop simultaneously. This means you can enter data into CRM from your
desktop and see it on your mobile phone, and you can progress data on your
mobile phone and see it on your desktop, in real time.
4–2 Sage CRM
Finding Contact Information
Finding Contact Information
Once you have logged onto CRM from your phone, you can search for person
and company contact information.
Searching for a Person
To look up a person's phone and address details:
1. Select the Person link from the Main Menu.
2. When the Person Search page is displayed, select the Last Name edit box.
3. Enter the first letter of the person's last name and select the Search link at the
end of the page.
The Person Search result page is displayed, showing a list of all the people in
CRM who match the search criteria.
4. Select the link of the person whose details you want to view.
The Person Summary page is displayed. If you scroll through the details, this
page shows you address, phone, fax and e-mail information for the selected
Person Summary page – Address Details
5. Scrolling to the end of the page enables you to view opportunities,
communications and cases for this contact or return to the Main Menu.
Person Summary – Return to Main Menu
Wireless Mobile Guide 4–3
Finding Contact Information
Searching for a Company
The procedure for finding a company is similar to the procedure for finding a
To search for a company:
1. From the Main Menu, select the Company link.
2. When the Company Search page is displayed, select the Company Name edit
The Text input screen is displayed.
3. Enter the first letter of the company name and then select the Search link.
The Company Search result page is displayed, showing a list of all the
companies in CRM that match the search criteria.
4. Select the link of the company whose details you want to view.
5. The Company Summary page is displayed. If you scroll through the details,
this page shows you address, phone, fax and e-mail information for the
selected company.
Company Summary page
Scrolling to the end of the page enables you to view opportunities,
communications, cases, and related people for the company or return to the
Main Menu.
4–4 Sage CRM
Doing Your Work
Doing Your Work
You can keep track of your appointments and tasks in calendar or list mode.
Navigating your Communications List
To display your current list of tasks and appointments:
1. Select Communication from the Main Menu.
The Communication Search page is displayed.
Communication Search page
You can set View Mode to Day or Week, and you can set the Status to
Pending, Complete, Cancelled or All. In addition, when you scroll down you
can set Show Tasks to Appointments Only, Tasks Only, or All.
2. Once you have specified the search criteria, select the Search link.
A list of all your pending communications for today is displayed.
Pending Communications
3. To find the specific communication you want to view, scroll down the page.
4. You can also find more communications by selecting the Next Day/Week,
Previous Day/Week or New Search links.
5. Once you have found the communication you want to view, select that
communication's link to get more information on the specific task or
Wireless Mobile Guide 4–5
Doing Your Work
The Communication Summary page for the communication is displayed.
When you scroll down the page you can view the status, action (type),
date/time, and details of the communication.
In addition, you can select:
The Continue link to return to the list of Communications that were
returned from your search.
The Edit link to change the status of the Communication.
The Main Menu link to return to the Main Menu.
Navigating your Calendar
To navigate to your Calendar:
1. Select Communications from the Main Menu.
2. From the Communication Search page, select the Calendar link.
A calendar displays for the current month, organized per week. If you have
any tasks or appointments for a specific week, the calendar entry is prefixed
by "(A)" for appointments or "(T)" for tasks.
CRM Calendar
3. Select a week in which you have appointments or tasks.
A list of days is displayed.
4. Select a day in which you have an appointment or task (A) or (T).
The communication list for that day is displayed.
Now you can select the link of the Communication you want to view and
review the Communication Summary page in the usual way.
4–6 Sage CRM
Doing Your Work
Changing the Status of a Communication
As well as viewing information on your tasks and appointments, you can update
their status.
To change the status of a meeting from Pending to Complete:
1. Open the Communication Summary page.
Communication Summary page
2. Select Edit from end of the page.
The Communication Edit page is displayed.
Communication Edit page
3. Change the Status to Complete, and select Save.
The status of the communication is changed to Complete.
Wireless Mobile Guide 4–7
Finding and Progressing an Opportunity
Finding and Progressing an Opportunity
There are a number of ways to find an opportunity, as follows:
From the Company Summary page, select the Opportunity link to view a list
of Opportunities associated with that company.
From the Person summary page, select the Opportunity link to view a list of
Opportunities associated with that person.
From the Main Menu, select Opportunity, choose the search criteria you wish
to apply, and select the Search link. A list of Opportunities that match the
search criteria you specify is displayed.
Example: Closing a Sale
To search for an opportunity by finding the company to which it is linked:
1. Select Company from the Main Menu.
2. Type the company name in the edit box and select Search.
3. Select the company from the list of companies matching your search criteria.
4. Scroll to the end of the Company Summary page and select Opportunities.
A list of opportunities linked to the selected company is displayed.
5. Select the sales opportunity you have been working on.
The Opportunity Summary page is displayed.
6. Scroll down the Opportunity Summary page and select the Progress link.
Opportunity Summary – Progress Link
7. When the Oppo Progress screen displays, select Progress from the list of
available actions.
From here you can you can change the values of the following: Stage, Status,
Forecast, Certainty%, Assigned To, Channel, Priority, Close By, Sales
Analysis. You can also add a tracking note if you wish.
4–8 Sage CRM
Finding and Progressing a Case
Opportunity Progress
8. Change the Status to Won and the Stage to Sale Closed. Add a tracking note
providing additional information, and click the Save link.
The sales opportunity is updated.
Finding and Progressing a Case
There are a number of ways to find a case, as follows:
From the Company Summary page, select the Case link to view a list of cases
associated with that company.
From the Person Summary page, select the Case link to view a list of cases
associated with that person.
From the Main Menu, select Case, choose the search criteria you wish to
apply and select the Search link. A list of cases that match the search criteria
you specified is displayed.
Example: Progressing a Case
To progress a case:
1. Open the Case Summary page.
The Case Progress page is displayed.
2. Select the Progress link from the list of available actions.
3. Set the Stage to Investigating and the Problem Type to Faulty component.
4. Select the Save link.
Wireless Mobile Guide 4–9
Now you can…
Now you can…
Move around and log on.
Find contact information.
Manage your calendar.
Find and progress a Sales Opportunity.
Find and progress a case.
4–10 Sage CRM
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