BlackBerry Connect for
Sony Ericsson Smartphones
User guide
Sony Ericsson Smartphones with BlackBerry Connect
User guide
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Such changes will, however, be incorporated into new editions
of this User guide.
Palm is a trademark or a registred trademark of Palm, Inc.
Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the
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Note Some of the services in this User guide are not supported
by all networks. This also applies to the GSM International
Emergency Number 112. Please contact your network operator
or service provider if you are in doubt whether you can use a
particular service.
Quicksheet, Quickpoint, Quickoffice and Quickword are either
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Adobe and Acrobat are either trademarks or registered
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Getting Started
This User guide describes how to set up and use
BlackBerry® service on your phone. There are two
versions of BlackBerry service available; one for
corporate users (using BlackBerry® Enterprise Server)
and one for Web mail users (using BlackBerry® Internet
Service). BlackBerry® Connect™ software is used to
connect to the BlackBerry services.
• BlackBerry Internet Service – allows you to receive
email from a Web-based email service on your
Note: BlackBerry Internet Service does not support
meeting requests.
BlackBerry Connect
If BlackBerry Connect software is installed and
provisioned on your phone you can start using it straight
away. To check if BlackBerry Connect software has
• BlackBerry® Enterprise Solution (using
BlackBerry Enterprise Server) – allows you to
receive email messages and meeting requests from
an email account operating on a Microsoft®
Exchange, Lotus Domino™ or Novell™
GroupWise™ server on your phone. The diagram
below shows how data is transferred from a server
to your phone.
been installed, select
BlackBerry Connect application
Your BlackBerry Connect account has been provisioned
if is displayed in the status bar.
> Tools and check that the
is available.
If BlackBerry Connect software is not installed or
provisioned, see Appendix A Installing BlackBerry
Connect on page 29 for more information on how to
install and provision your phone.
Getting Started
Using BlackBerry Connect
BlackBerry Enterprise Solution, BlackBerry Internet
Service, and System Inbox are listed as separate
BlackBerry Connect accounts in Messaging.
• If permitted in the message alerts settings, a dialog
is displayed asking if you would like to view the
message now. Select Yes to open the message or No
to close the dialog.
If you are using BlackBerry Enterprise Solution, you can
also have up to eleven BlackBerry Internet Service email
accounts set up.
Your BlackBerry Connect email account is listed in the
Messaging view on your phone.
The System Inbox (Sys Inbox) appears in Messaging
view when a BlackBerry Connect account is created.
Messages from your service provider, All Point
Bulletins, or Pin to Pin messages received by your phone
are automatically sent to the System Inbox account. You
can read these messages in the same manner as messages
in your BlackBerry Connect account, but you cannot
reply to them.
To access your email account:
1. Open the main menu with
and then select
see the Messaging view.
2. If necessary, scroll down
to the BlackBerry Connect
Call voicemail
Create new message
2 unread
3. Select the left and right
arrows on the Folder line
of the BlackBerry Connect
account to change to the
required folder, and then
select to open the folder.
When a new message arrives, an audible alert will
sound, if set. Use one of the following methods below to
view the message:
2 unread
0 unread
Sys Inbox
appears in the status bar of the phone. Select
> View to read the new message.
• Select
, select the BlackBerry Inbox and select
the new message.
Using BlackBerry Connect
To move a message into an alternative folder:
1. Mark the check box next to the message you want to
move, or open the message.
2. Select Move Message from the menu.
3. Use the drop-down menu to select the folder you
want to move the message to.
Email folders
The current folder name is
shown in the Title bar at the
top. To change folders, select
More > View folder and select
the folder you want to view.
New meeting
Move message
Reconcile now
Lock message
4. Select Move. The message is moved.
Unlock message
Purge deleted
Set to read
Set to unread
Email folders
BlackBerry Connect accounts
always have the following
folders: Inbox, Outbox, Drafts
and Sent.
My folders
Inbox – contains received messages. You can reply
to, forward and delete messages but you cannot edit
them. You can use the BlackBerry Connect
application to view how many messages the
BlackBerry Connect mailbox can hold. Once this
limit is reached, messages are automatically deleted
from the phone only, oldest first.
Outbox – contains messages that are waiting to be,
or in the process of being, sent. An email is only
stored in the Outbox if BlackBerry service is set to
Pause or Off, data coverage is unavailable, or you
write an email message when the phone is in Flight
mode. If you place the BlackBerry service on pause
for any reason, it automatically restarts after a
period of inactivity and then any email messages in
the Outbox are automatically sent. See Connecting
and disconnecting on page 19 for more information.
Personal folders
Junk E-mail
View folder
Edit folders
As well as the four standard
folders, the following are also displayed under My
folders in the View folder list:
• Any folders you have created at the same level as
the Inbox on your PC email program. Sub folders
are not shown; all the emails from sub folders are
displayed in the top level folder that they belong to.
• Any folders you have specified on the BlackBerry
Internet Service Web page.
• Any local folders you have created on the device,
these folders are available in all messaging accounts
on the device. These folders cannot be used with the
BlackBerry Connect account.
• Edit folders. Folders created on your device cannot
be used with the BlackBerry Connect account.
Drafts – contains messages that are not ready to be
sent. If you leave an incomplete message you will
be given the option of saving the message in the
Drafts folder.
Using BlackBerry Connect
Sent – contains messages you have sent from your
phone. If sent items synchronization is enabled, sent
items from your PC mail client are also displayed.
My folders – contains your personalized folders. For
a personalized folder to be available you must first
create it using the email program on your PC. The
personalised folder must appear on the same level as
your Inbox.
2. In the Folder redirection section of the tab, select
Selected Folders and click Choose folders.
3. A dialog opens with all the folders of your email
program listed. Click the check box next to a folder
to select it. Click Ok to close the dialog.
4. Click Done to exit the application.
If you have set a rule in your email program to send
certain email messages to specific folders on arrival this
still happens. If the personal folder is displayed on the
phone you can read the mail by opening the folder.
Redirect folders using BlackBerry Enterprise
You can choose which folders to redirect to your phone
Tip You can disable the redirection of the Inbox folder
and still have other folders redirected to your phone.
either by using your phone or by using the BlackBerry
Connect Desktop for Sony Ericsson application on your
Note: If messages from a folder are redirected to your
phone even if you have not enabled the folder for
redirection, you could be using an old version of
To choose folders using your phone:
1. In your BlackBerry Connect account select More >
Tools > Folder redirection.
2. Select Selected folders.
3. Select Choose folders.
4. Mark the check box next to the folders you want to
have redirected to your phone.
Handling email
Writing email
5. Select Save.
To choose folders using your PC:
To write a new email message:
1. Open the BlackBerry Connect Desktop for Sony
Ericsson application on your PC and select the
Advanced tab.
Select your BlackBerry Connect account and select New
at the bottom of the screen.
Using BlackBerry Connect
Select the Address, Subject, and Message fields to enter
the required information.
bar under the person’s name.
4. Select Done. The Selected contacts dialog opens
again. All the contacts you have selected are listed
in the window.
Tip To enter several addresses, use a comma between
each address.
5. Select Done. The selected contacts are entered into
the address field of your email.
• If you switch to another task before sending the
message, the message will be kept open until you
return to Messaging.
To enter an address from your company’s address book
(BlackBerry Enterprise Solution only):
• If you select Back, you will be asked if you wish to
1. Select
in a new message.
save the message in the Drafts folder.
2. The Selected contacts dialog opens. Select
To mark an email message as urgent:
When composing an email, select the tab and select
High in the Priority list.
Address lookup.
3. Enter the first, or first few, letters of the contact
address you want to find in the text field at the top
of the screen.
To enter addresses from Contacts when writing an
4. Select
to search for the contact.
5. The matching entries are
displayed on the screen. If
there are more than 20
matches, select Next
1. Select
Address Lookup
2. The Selected contacts
dialog opens. Choose
Local contacts to open the
Contacts screen of your
matches to retrieve the
next 20 matches.
Matches: 20 of 144
Selected: 1
Andersson, Agneta
Andersson, Andreas
Andersson, Anette
Andersson, Anette K
Andersson, Anita
Next matches
Tip Matching entries are
displayed with last name, first
6. Mark the check box next
to a contact to select it.
3. Mark the check box next
to a contact to select it. If
you select a contact that
has two or more email
addresses, specify the
address using the selection
Using BlackBerry Connect
7. Repeat the process to search for additional contacts.
Any contacts already selected remain displayed in
the list.
Internet Service. However, you can forward any
attachments received to another email account.
To attach a file to an email message:
8. Once you have selected all the required entries,
select Done.
1. On the tab, select Add.
2. The Select file dialog opens. Navigate the storage
areas of your phone to locate the type of attachment
and then select the file to be attached.
To copy an entry from Address Lookup to your Local
1. Select the contact.
2. The contact’s details are displayed, select Copy. A
dialog confirms the contact has been successfully
3. The entry is displayed on the tab of the email
Note: Maximum attachments size is determined
dynamically by BlackBerry Enterprise Server. Email
messages exceeding the size limit cannot be sent.
3. To copy multiple contacts select the contact and
select More > Copy.
4. Select Done to return to the Selected contacts view.
The copied contact is no longer displayed in the list.
Receiving email
Email messages that are received on your corporate
email and/or Web mail are automatically copied to your
Sending email
Once you have written your email message select Send
to send it.
You must manage the space on your phone to make sure
all unnecessary email messages are deleted.
If BlackBerry service is set to Pause, switched Off, or if
the phone is in Flight mode, the email message is stored
in the Outbox and sent when the connection is restored.
Receiving attachments
Attachments are displayed on the tab. The generic
icon next to an attachment is dimmed until the
attachment has been downloaded, it then changes to an
icon that identifies the file type.
Adding attachments
Note: The network blocks the sending, receiving and
downloading of attachments if you are using BlackBerry
Using BlackBerry Connect
To save an attachment, for example a picture:
• Attachments cannot be deleted from a received
1. Open the email message and select the tab.
2. Select the attachment, the Incomplete message
Viewing attachments
dialog opens. Select Yes to download the picture.
There are two methods of viewing an attachment. You
can use the phone viewers or the BlackBerry Attachment
3. Select the file, which opens the Picture viewer
application and displays the image.
4. Select Save.
5. Name the picture and select Save in.
6. Select the location where you want to store the
Phone viewers
A phone viewer needs the whole of the attachment to be
downloaded before it can be opened.
7. Select Save.
You need an appropriate viewer for the type of file you
want to view. The phone is supplied with Quickoffice™
and PDF+ applications, which provide the following
Points to note concerning attachments
• You can store attachments on your Phone Memory
and on the Memory Stick™ or the Media Memory.
• Attachments that are not supported on your phone
appear with a question mark next to them.
Quickword™ opens Microsoft Word 97, 2000, XP
and Palm files that have been saved as Microsoft
Word format documents.
Quicksheet™ opens Microsoft Excel 97, 2000 and
XP files that have been saved as Microsoft Excel
format documents.
• Attachments are forwarded in pieces from
BlackBerry Enterprise Server. This may take some
time depending on the file size and connection
• When you reply to an email message that has an
attachment, the attachment is not included in the
reply. However, when you forward an email
message, the attachment is automatically included,
even if it has not been downloaded to your phone.
The attachment of a forwarded email message will
not be visible in the Sent folder though.
Quickpoint™ opens Microsoft PowerPoint 97, 2000
and XP presentations.
PDF+ opens Adobe Acrobat PDF documents.
The phone is also provided with applications that
supports viewing image, video and sound files. Other
viewers are available on the Web.
Using BlackBerry Connect
Navigating a spreadsheet
BlackBerry Attachment Viewer
Quicksheet allows you to view
and edit spreadsheets on your
BlackBerry Connect software includes an attachment
viewer. You can use it to open attachments with a .doc,
.dot, .htm, .html, .pdf, .ppt, .txt, .wpd, .xls or .zip file
extension. See BlackBerry Attachment Viewer Formats
on page 39 for more information on the file formats
1912 1920 1924
Gold Silver Bronze Total Point
Summary of some of the
Quicksheet features:
62 133
62 130
United States
United Kingdom
• If the document has more
than one sheet, select the
required sheet’s tab.
• To resize a column select
and drag the border
between the column
• Tap a cell to select it. Tap twice on a cell to edit it.
When editing, the cell contents are shown in the edit
toolbar. After editing select Submit.
The viewer works by displaying an overview of the
attachment, called the table of contents. From the table
of contents you can download and open a specific page
of the attachment.
South Africa
The BlackBerry Attachment Viewer is not limited by
attachment size, it can show a full list of the attachment’s
content so you can select the exact information you want
to download and view. This is a cost-effective way of
viewing your attachments because you are only charged
for the data you download to view.
• More provides operations such as Copy, Paste, Save,
Find, Clear contents, Format cell and so forth.
To search for an entry in a spreadsheet select More, and
then Edit > Find > Find. The Find dialog opens, type the
word you want to search for in the Find field. Select the
search options you want to use and then select OK. Once
your search finds one matching entry in the spreadsheet
the More > Find > Find next option may be used.
Using BlackBerry Connect
To view attachments with the BlackBerry Attachment
Hyperlinks are supported in the BlackBerry Attachment
Viewer. Select a hyperlink to jump to the corresponding
section of a document. If the section has not already
been downloaded, it is automatically downloaded when
you select the hyperlink.
1. Open the tab.
2. Select View attachments.
The Attachments screen is
Tables located within the supported attachment formats
are displayed, you can navigate tables in the same way
as spreadsheets.
3. Open the attachment’s
table of content and select
the section of the
attachment you want to
view or select Full
Content in the More menu
to display the whole file.
Document view is
displayed and your
attachment is loaded in the window.
Email Filters
View attachments
With email filters, you can control which email
messages are forwarded to your phone. Email filters are
only available for BlackBerry Enterprise Solution.
There are a variety of options you can use for your
filters. You can set up filters both to block email
messages, and filters to allow certain email messages.
You can set the priority of the filters to decide which
filter applies first, when there is more than one filter that
applies to an incoming email message. Email filters are
found in the More > Tools > Email filters option from the
BlackBerry Connect account on your phone.
Once an attachment is open you can use the menu to
perform standard functions such as; Copy, Select All,
Zoom, Find, Find Next and go to the top or bottom of the
viewer window.
BlackBerry Enterprise Server sends the first part of the
selected section of the attachment. When you scroll to
the bottom of the document an automatic request for the
next part of the attachment content is sent to the server.
An infoprint Requesting more is displayed while the
content is downloaded. You can also download the next
part of the message from the More touch option.
To create a new filter
1. Select New if it is your first filter, or select More >
New filter if you already have created your first
Using BlackBerry Connect
2. Choose a name for your filter.
3. Specify the filter criteria. You can use any
combination of the criteria available to meet your
4. Choose if email messages that meet the criteria are
to be forwarded to your phone or not.
The reconcile option is
reached from the BlackBerry
connect account More >
Email filters
Folder redirection
5. Select Save.
The delete option allows you
to set the action BlackBerry
Enterprise Server should take
if you choose to delete a
message on your phone.
To set priority on your filters
1. Highlight the filter.
2. Select More > Set priority.
3. Select the priority. The available priorities are the
same as the number of filters. The filter with the
highest priority, which is 1, is the first filter that
applies to email messages.
Handheld only
Server wins
• Handheld only –
deletes the message from your phone but not
from your email account.
4. Select Done.
• All – sends a deletion message to your email
server. The email message is deleted from your
email account and your phone.
• Prompt – the message is deleted from your
phone and a dialog appears asking if the
message should be deleted from the mail server.
Note: Deleted messages on your email account are
moved to the Deleted Items folder. Make sure you empty
the Deleted Items folder on your email account
Using BlackBerry Connect
Tip To empty the Deleted Items folder with your phone:
select Purge deleted in the More menu from your
BlackBerry Connect account.
Handling Meetings
Meeting requests can only be created using BlackBerry
Enterprise Solution accounts.
BlackBerry service synchronizes the information held
on your PC and your phone at set points during the day.
The two devices may display different information until
this takes place, for example, if you delete a message on
your PC this change may not be transferred to your
phone for a period of time. If Reconcile is set to On you
can force a synchronization, Reconcile now, from the
BlackBerry Connect messaging account More menu.
The update is reflected at both locations.
Creating a Meeting Request
To set up a meeting using BlackBerry Enterprise
1. Select
2. Select your BlackBerry
Connect account
the accounts listed in
Site progress
All day
Start date:
3. Select More > New
End date:
meeting from the menu.
If Reconcile is set to Off an information dialog is
displayed if you try to use the menu option.
4. Select .
5. Use the Local contacts or
Address Lookup to select
the contacts you want to
attend the meeting. See
Start time:
The priority option allows you to decide if the phone or
the server is the master device. There are two options:
page 8 for more information on using the Address
6. Enter a meeting subject, date and end date.
7. Either:
• Server wins – when you synchronize the phone
the server overwrites and removes entries on the
• Handheld wins – when you synchronize the
phone it overwrites and removes the entries held
on the server.
– Mark the All Day check box; the Time field is
then not displayed.
The Priority setting is only valid for email messages.
Using BlackBerry Connect
– Specify a time for the meeting by tapping above
or below the time field to increase or decrease
the number. When you specify a time for a
meeting it is always set to your phone’s local
14. Select Send. Your local calendar is automatically
checked to see if this meeting causes a conflict with
any other appointments. If it does a conflict message
is displayed, select Yes to send the meeting request
anyway and add it to your local calendar or No to
return to the meeting request.
time. To check your local time settings select
in the status bar.
15. To save a meeting request without sending it, select
Save to drafts from the menu. It is saved in the
Drafts folder.
Note: The phone’s calendar supports time zones. Your
meeting time is updated to local time when you are
Receiving a Meeting Request
1. Open your BlackBerry Connect account.
2. Open the meeting request .
3. To view a list of the other attendees, select
Attendees. Select Done to return to the meeting
4. Select Accept to accept the meeting. The Response
dialog opens, select the type of response you want to
send. If you choose Include comments, a screen
opens and you can type a message.
8. Mark the Show time as busy check box to enter the
time as busy in your corporate calendar.
9. Specify a location for the meeting, or use the drop-
down menu to select a location. This menu displays
the last 10 different locations used when creating
10. Mark the Alarm check box and set the date and time
you want your phone to remind you about the
11. Select Set repeat and select from the list that is
displayed to open the Set repeat dialog. After
specifying any recurrence of this meeting select
5. Select Done when you have finished to send your
12. Select Attendees to access information about the
invited attendees. Select an attendee to view the
following information: name, email address and
role. Select Done.
13. Use
to enter notes relating to the meeting.
Using BlackBerry Connect
Updating your Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes™ or
Novell GroupWise Calendar
Meetings you accept on your phone are automatically
entered into your corporate calendar when you send the
response. When your phone calendar is updated
wirelessly, you cannot synchronize it locally using the
PC Suite.
6. BlackBerry Connect
software automatically
checks your calendar and
enters the meetings details.
If the calendar already has
an appointment entered
during the meeting time a
conflict is registered. The
conflict is displayed and
you can choose to continue
and accept the new
Meeting conflict
This meeting conflicts with the
meeting(s) shown below. Do you
wish to continue?
Team meeting
Location: My office
17/09/2007 14:30 - 15:00
Using Address Lookup
from Contacts
You can access Address Lookup from the Contacts
application on your phone. Using Address Lookup in
Contacts is very similar to using it in Messaging,
however there are a few changes as to how the contact is
handled due to the way the Contacts application works.
meeting or select No and
return to the meeting
request, where you can decline the meeting.
Note: If a conflict is registered and you choose to
continue and accept the meeting, you have to go to the
Calendar application to correct the conflict manually.
Tip You can change the predefined meeting alarm to a
time and date that suits you, if required.
1. Select
in the Main menu to open the Contacts
Meeting Request update
2. Select Address Lookup from the More menu.
You can create a meeting request update using your
device but you will not be able to send it. To change
details of or cancel a meeting you will need to use your
PC mail client.
3. Enter the first, or first few, letters of the contact
address you want to find in the text field at the top
of the screen.
4. Click
to search for the contact.
Using BlackBerry Connect
5. The matching entries are
displayed on the screen. If
there are more than 20
matches, select Next
matches to retrieve the
next 20 matches.
Saving contact details
Address Lookup
When you receive a message, you can save the contact
details of the person who sent it.
Matches: 20 of 144
Selected: 1
To save the sender's details, from the open message:
Retrieving More is
• Select More > Add to contacts.
Andersson, Agneta
Andersson, Andreas
Andersson, Anette
Andersson, Anette K
Andersson, Anita
Next matches
displayed on the screen
while the entries are
The email address is saved to the local contacts. It is not
possible to save contacts to your email server.
Note: Matching entries are
displayed with last name, first
name. Matches shows the
number of contacts downloaded to your phone and the
total number of matches on the server.
Menu options
More menu
New meeting – open a new meeting request. See
Creating a Meeting Request on page 14 for more
Move message – move a selected or opened
message to another folder. See Email folders on
page 6 for more information.
Reconcile now – force the phone and your
corporate mail system to update and show the same
Lock message – exclude a message from automatic
message deletion when your mailbox reaches its
limit. From the list view, mark the check box next to
a message to select it. Select Lock message on the
menu to lock the message.
6. Select a contact to display the details. From this
screen you can:
– Select
or or select the phone number to
make a call.
– Select
or the email address to send an email
7. Select Copy to send the contact details to your
phone’s Local contacts.
8. Repeat the process to search for and copy additional
9. Once you have copied all the required entries, select
Done to return to the Contacts view.
Using BlackBerry Connect
You can view the maximum number of messages
that can be locked; see Info tab on page 21 for more
If you have reached the maximum number of
messages that can be locked on your phone, a dialog
is displayed. Select Continue to close the dialog
and, if appropriate, unlock messages that you no
longer require.
• Folder redirection – set which folders to redirect
email messages from to your phone. See
Redirect folders using BlackBerry Enterprise
Solution: on page 7 for more information.
• Out of office – set an Out of office message that
is automatically sent in reply to the sender of
each received email message.
Note: If using Lotus Notes, you will also have to set an
end date to the Out of office reply.
Unlock message –
indicates a Locked message.
Mark the check box next to a locked message to
select it. Select Unlock message on the menu. The
message is unlocked and it is included in automatic
message deletion when the mailbox has reached the
specified maximum number of messages.
• Auto signature – set an Auto signature that is
attached to every email message you send.
View folder – select to change the email folder you
are currently viewing. See Email folders on page 6
for more details.
Mark all and Unmark all – the Mark all and Unmark
all menu options are used to quickly mark or
unmark all of the messages in the list.
Find message – the Find function allows you to
search for a message that contains the search text
that you enter.
Delete message – to delete a message:
– Mark the check box next to the message in
message list view, or open the message to be
Purge deleted – this option allows you to empty the
Deleted Items folder on the remote mail server.
Set to read and Set to unread – when a message is
set to unread it appears in bold in the list view.
Messages are automatically set to read when they
are opened for viewing.
Tools – select Tools to reach the following email
• Reconcile – set how to synchronize with your
email account. See Reconcile on page 13 for
more information.
• Email filters – set filters on incoming email
messages to your phone. See Email Filters on
page 12 for more information.
– Select Delete message on the menu. A
confirmation box opens, select Yes.
– The message is deleted.
Using BlackBerry Connect
Tip Lock the message, or save attachments to your
phone’s internal or external memory, if you want to keep
the message or its attachments. You can still delete a
locked message manually.
Connecting and
BlackBerry service is normally continuously connected
while your phone is switched on. However, if your
service provider contract does not permit more than one
data connection at a time, it will be necessary to place
BlackBerry service on pause if you want to use an
alternative connection, for example, to browse the
Internet or check an alternative email account:
You may need to delete messages to create more
storage space on your phone. When you delete a
message, the message and any attachments
connected to the message are deleted from the
phone, or both the phone and the mail server. See
Reconcile on page 13 for more information.
Settings – a number of viewing options are
– Sort by date, sender or size – select how you
would like the list of email messages to be
– Show subject – determine if the subject of each
email message is shown when listing email
– Zoom – change the size of the text used for
listing the email messages in the Inbox, Outbox
and so forth.
To place BlackBerry service on pause:
1. Select
> More > Pause, in the status bar of your
2. The status bar icon flashes
To reconnect BlackBerry service:
1. Select > More > Resume, in the status bar of
your phone.
2. BlackBerry service is reconnected when
displayed in the status bar.
Help – display help topics for using BlackBerry
Connect software.
Note: With some service providers it is necessary to
manually shut down the service provider’s Internet
connection on your phone before BlackBerry service can
Using BlackBerry Connect
To turn BlackBerry service off:
1. Select > More > Settings, in the status bar of
your phone.
2. Select Off at the bottom of the BlackBerry Connect
BlackBerry Connect
The BlackBerry Connect
application screen. The icon changes to
application is located in
Tools on your phone. The
BlackBerry Connect
application allows you to
monitor the status of your
connection, view system
information, and set
BlackBerry Connect
To turn BlackBerry service on:
File manager
Connections mgr
Remote sync
The BlackBerry Connect icon is dimmed in the status
bar when it is turned off
1. Select
> Settings, in the status bar of your
2. Select On at the bottom of the BlackBerry Connect
application screen. The icon changes to
Note: You can also access
the BlackBerry Connect application by selecting
More > Settings.
The BlackBerry Connect application has three tabs that
provide the facilities described below.
Sync. tab
Calendar – the calendar options allows you to
synchronize your calendar wireless.
• Wireless synchronization – when this check
box is marked, wireless synchronization of your
calendar is enabled.
Using BlackBerry Connect
• Overwrite phone Calendar – choose to
overwrite the phone Calendar or to merge your
corporate calendar with the phone Calendar.
• Add tentative meetings to Calendar – when this
check box is marked, meetings that are classed
as tentative in Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes
or Novell GroupWise are displayed in the
phone’s calendar. The title of the tentative
meeting starts with Tentative:.
The status is controlled by a dynamic touch option
at the bottom of the screen. The touch option
changes, reflecting the opposite state of the current
• Off or On – turns BlackBerry service off or on as
The status can be paused or resumed using the More
More > Pause or Resume – disconnects or
reconnects BlackBerry service, as appropriate.
Registration status – displays the current
registration status.
PIN number – this is an automatically generated
number by the BlackBerry Connect application as a
part of the registration process. The PIN number is
unique and calculated from the IMEI number.
IMEI number – displays your phone’s IMEI
(International Mobile Equipment Identity) number.
IMEI is a unique 15-digit code used to identify an
individual GSM mobile telephone to a GSM
IT Policy – this is a reference to the IT policy your
IT administrator has applied to your phone via
BlackBerry Connect software. The IT Policy
specifies access rights and security measures for the
phone. For further details contact your IT
Tip If your company server automatically marks
meetings that you have not accepted as tentative
meetings, it may be useful to clear this check box when
you are out of the office.
Contacts – this option allows you to synchronize
your contacts wirelessly.
• Wireless synchronization – when this check
box is marked, wireless synchronization of
Contacts is enabled.
Info tab
Note: PIN number and IMEI number may be needed
when setting up your account.
Connection status – the current BlackBerry
Connect software state is displayed in the Status
field. BlackBerry Connect software can be in the
states Off, Not connected, Packet data available,
APN connected, and Connected.
Using BlackBerry Connect
Policy last updated – this field shows the date the
IT Policy associated with your phone was last
Maximum messages – the maximum messages
field specifies the total number of messages you can
store in each BlackBerry Connect mailbox. If you
have both BlackBerry Enterprise Solution and
BlackBerry Internet Service mailboxes, the figure
specified here is per mailbox.
BlackBerry [Messaging] – this service book allows
you to send and receive email messages on your
phone using BlackBerry Enterprise Server. If this
service book is missing you must re-configure your
phone to work with BlackBerry Enterprise Solution.
When this service book is added to your phone the
local synchronization of messages using PC Suite
for Smartphones is disabled.
BlackBerry [Calendar] – this service book allows
synchronization between your PC mail client and
your phone calendar. If this service book is missing
the meeting functionality is not available. If this
service book is installed local synchronization using
the Sony Ericsson PC Suite for Smartphones is
disabled for Calendar and Tasks. Remote
Maximum locked messages – the maximum locked
messages field specifies the total number of locked
messages you can save in your BlackBerry Connect
mailbox. If you have both BlackBerry Enterprise
Solution and BlackBerry Internet Service
mailboxes, the figure specified here is per mailbox.
Synchronization is also disabled.
Service tab
Server Administrator defined name [Messaging] –
this service book allows you to send and receive
email messages on your phone using BlackBerry
Internet Service. If this service book is missing you
must re-configure your phone to work with
BlackBerry Internet Service. The IT administrator
defines the name of this service book.
Note: Data on the Service books tab is not required for
normal operation.
The screen displays the BlackBerry services that are
currently registered on your phone, a few of these are:
BlackBerry [Address lookup] – this service book
allows you to search contact details on your
corporate email server. This service book is only
available for BlackBerry Enterprise Solution users.
If this service book is missing this functionality is
not available.
To view more information about a service:
1. Select the appropriate service from the list.
2. Select View. The Service information dialog opens,
it contains details on the type and status of
BlackBerry Connect software.
Using BlackBerry Connect
• Disabled – BlackBerry Connect software has to
be started manually from the BlackBerry
Connect application screen.
• Home only – BlackBerry Connect starts
automatically when your phone is switched on,
but only if you can receive coverage from your
home network. That is, connectivity is not
automatic if you are using a roaming network
3. Select Advanced in the Service information dialog
to see details about the BlackBerry Enterprise
Server your phone corresponds with.
Tip These two dialogs contain technical information
that you may need to supply if you experience any
difficulties with your BlackBerry service.
4. When you have finished, select Done to close the
dialogs and return to the Service book entries
• Enabled – BlackBerry Connect software starts
automatically when your phone is switched on.
Note: If you remove a service book that BlackBerry
Connect software requires in order to operate, you will
have to re-configure your phone.
Advanced > Timed On/
Timed On/Off
Off – set an on and off
time for your BlackBerry
Enable weekday
Weekday On:
Weekday Off:
service. For example, you
can set the time that you
More Menu
usually arrive at and
depart from work, that
Pause – pause allows you
Enable weekend
Weekend On:
way email messages do
Set up account – is used when you initially add
BlackBerry services to your phone, see Setting up
BlackBerry Internet Service on page 34 for more
If on initial set up you select the incorrect service,
you can change the setting from Set up account.
BlackBerry Internet – starts the browser and allows
you to access your BlackBerry Internet accounts.
Settings > Autostart – use the Autostart drop-down
menu to set the state you want BlackBerry Connect
software to enter when your phone is switched on.
Your options are:
not arrive when you are at
Weekend Off:
The Weekend runs from
00:01 (12.01 am)
Saturday to 23.59 (11.59
pm) on Sunday.
Advanced > Register now – allows you to verify or
start the registration of your connection on the
BlackBerry service.
• Select More > Register now.
• Registration message sent flashes up on your
phone screen.
Using BlackBerry Connect
• When registration is complete a dialog appears
disable it. Corporate lock activates after a pre-defined
period of inactivity which you define.
confirming the registration. Select Continue.
• If registration fails, turn the BlackBerry service
off and on again, or restart your phone. If this
problem persists contact your IT administrator.
Advanced > Regenerate key – is used to regenerate
an encryption key with the BlackBerry Enterprise
To change the inactivity timeout period
1. From Control panel, select Security > Locks.
2. Select Activate after.
3. Insert the preferred amount of minutes before
Corporate lock is activated and select Done.
Note: This is not required for normal operation.
4. Enter your Corporate lock password and select
Advanced > Advanced screen – contains
engineering information that is not needed during
normal operation of the phone. It may only be
accessed by entering the correct Lock code.
BlackBerry Web
The BlackBerry Web provides access to the Internet and
to your organization’s online corporate data and
applications. To provide secure access to the corporate
network the BlackBerry Web uses the BlackBerry
Enterprise Server for connecting to the Internet and the
corporate intranets.
About – contains information about the phone and
the BlackBerry Connect software you are using:
If you experience any problems with your
BlackBerry service you will be asked to supply this
information when you call the support staff. Select
Continue to close the dialog.
The BlackBerry Web application is located in > Tools
> BlackBerry Web on your phone. You need to have
your BlackBerry Connect account provisioned to use the
BlackBerry Web application.
Help – displays help topics for using BlackBerry
Corporate lock
Corporate lock is a phone lock that supports both letters
of the Latin alphabet and Arabic digits. If your IT
administrator has enabled Corporate lock, you cannot
Using BlackBerry Connect
3. The Calendar items dialog also opens, asking Do
you want to proceed with bulk load of calendar
items to your phone? Click OK to download your
corporate mail program’s calendar entries.
Backing up and restoring
Tip It is recommended that you turn BlackBerry service
off before using the Sony Ericsson PC Suite for
Smartphones to connect your phone with your PC.
Tip This dialog only opens if calendar reconciliation is
enabled on your BlackBerry Enterprise Server account.
You can still use the Sony Ericsson PC Suite for
Smartphones to connect your phone with your PC when
BlackBerry Connect software is installed. However
synchronization is prevented if a BlackBerry service
book is installed on your phone for the synchronization
Uninstalling BlackBerry
To uninstall:
1. Select
on your phone.
If you restore an old BlackBerry Enterprise Solution
version your calendar entries may not be update. To
correct this:
2. Select Control panel > Other > Uninstall. The
Uninstall dialog lists all the applications that can be
removed from your phone.
1. Connect your phone to the PC via USB cable. When
connected, the icon appears in the status area to
the right of the taskbar on your PC.
2. Open the BlackBerry Connect Desktop for Sony
Ericsson application on your PC. A dialog opens
and automatically generates keys for your
3. Select BlackBerry, select Uninstall.
4. Select Yes in the confirmation dialog to confirm
The BlackBerry Connect application, the BlackBerry
Connect account, and the Message accounts will all be
removed from your phone.
BlackBerry Connect account so that BlackBerry
Enterprise Server knows which phone is associated
with your corporate email account.
Suggestions for solving possible problems with
Note: You must keep moving your mouse while the
encryption key is being generated.
BlackBerry Connect software are listed below. If these
Using BlackBerry Connect
site also contains other useful information. For
additional support, contact your service provider.
A folder is selected for redirection, but the messages go
into the Inbox.
If the supported folder is a sub folder of another
supported folder, then messages will be received in the
top level folder on the phone.
Messages deleted on the phone are not deleted in my
corporate mail program.
Change the Delete setting from More > Tools >
Reconcile in the BlackBerry Connect messaging
account to All.
If messages from a folder are redirected to your phone
even if you have not enabled the folder for redirection,
you could be using an old version of Outlook.
Messages marked as unread in my corporate mail
program are not marked as unread on the phone.
Turn Reconcile on from More > Tools > Reconcile in
the BlackBerry Connect messaging account and select
Reconcile now in BlackBerry Connect message view to
get any updates.
A new message has been received as I can see it on the
status bar of the phone, but when I go to the Inbox,
there's no new message.
From the messaging view, highlight the BlackBerry
folder and press on one of the two arrow icons to cycle
between the available folders. The new message will be
in one of these folders.
Messages sent by a rule to a folder in my corporate
mail program are not received on the phone.
Check the supported folders setting in Folder
redirection in your phone, or in the BlackBerry Connect
Desktop for Sony Ericsson application in your PC. Make
sure that the folder is supported. See Email folders on
page 6 for more information.
You can find which folders that are supported for
redirection in the Folder redirection menu in the
BlackBerry Connect account More > Tools menu on
your phone. If you use the BlackBerry Connect Desktop
for Sony Ericsson application on your PC, select the
BlackBerry service and then go to the folder drop-down
menu to find the same information.
Using BlackBerry Connect
Address Lookup is not available.
I cannot provision the phone.
Address Lookup is only available with BlackBerry
Enterprise Solution accounts. Check that you are not in
Flight mode and that you have an Address Lookup
service book entry in the Service tab in the BlackBerry
Connect application. See your IT administrator if the
Address Lookup service book is missing.
If you provision by USB, you need to make sure that the
phone is connected to the PC using the Sony Ericsson
PC Suite for Smartphones.
All my meetings have moved some hours backwards or
If your operator supports Update time and you have
The phone cannot register on the BlackBerry network.
turned this feature on you should turn it off in
Check that data coverage is available.
Control panel > Device > Time & date > More > Set
updates. Change Update system time from Ask me to
The phone cannot get BlackBerry service when
Your phone automatically uses the operator that
provides the best voice coverage, not data coverage,
when you are roaming.
The downloaded attachment cannot be opened in
BlackBerry Attachment Viewer.
Check that the attachment is one of the supported file
types. See BlackBerry Attachment Viewer on page 11.
Before travelling ask your home operator which
operators are able to offer you roaming data in the
country you are visiting. Change your phone’s GSM
Network search mode from Automatic to Manual and
select the operator your home operator has
recommended to you. To do this:
I cannot synchronize Calendar with the Sony Ericsson
PC Suite for Smartphones.
When the BlackBerry [Calendar] service book is
installed local synchronization is disabled because
BlackBerry Connect software uses wireless
1. Select
> Control panel > Connections > Mobile
networks. Change the Search mode to Manual.
2. Select More > Select network on the menu, and
choose the recommended operator from the list.
Select Done.
Using BlackBerry Connect
I cannot synchronize Tasks with the Sony Ericsson PC
Suite for Smartphones.
When the BlackBerry [Calendar] service book is
installed local synchronization is disabled, you must
manually move tasks between the phone and your PC.
Remote synchronization is disabled after BlackBerry
Connect software is installed.
Remote synchronization uses SyncML. BlackBerry
Enterprise Server does not support SyncML so the
process is disabled.
Using BlackBerry Connect
Appendix A Installing BlackBerry Connect
There are two variants of BlackBerry Connect software
you can install; one for use with BlackBerry Enterprise
Solution and the other for use with BlackBerry Internet
Service. Requirements for running BlackBerry Connect
software on your phone differ depending on the type of
BlackBerry service you are installing.
operator's Website to determine the required version
number, and then check the software version you
have by selecting
To download the latest version of the software, go to
the Sony Ericsson Update Service at
> More > System information.
• A BlackBerry Enterprise Solution enabled SIM card
from your service provider.
• A password provided by your IT administrator.
• If BlackBerry is not installed, you will need a
BlackBerry Connect setup file (.sis).
Setting up BlackBerry
Enterprise Solution
You can set up BlackBerry Enterprise Solution
wirelessly or via the USB cable. Follow your preferred
method, either described in “Setting up BlackBerry
Enterprise Solution wirelessly” below or see Setting up
BlackBerry Enterprise Solution with USB cable on
page 31.
You can transfer the .sis file to your phone in many
ways. For example with your phone browser from, or via email or Bluetooth,
or you can download the .sis file with your PC and
then transfer it to your phone. If you use your PC to
transfer the file to your phone you need:
– An Intel™ 486 compatible PC or better.
Running Windows 2000, or Windows XP.
– A USB port with 1.1 compatibility or greater.
– Sony Ericsson PC Suite for Smartphones.
Setting up BlackBerry Enterprise Solution
You will need:
• The phone with a version of the Phone and
Organizer software that is approved for use with the
BlackBerry Connect software. Please check your
Appendix A Installing BlackBerry Connect
• An email account on one of the following systems:
Setting up BlackBerry Enterprise Solution wirelessly
The installation process for BlackBerry Connect
software involves the creation of a link between your
phone, your mail server and BlackBerry Enterprise
Server. Once the link exists you can install the software
on the phone.
Server software
Email software
Microsoft Exchange Microsoft Outlook
Server version 5.5 or (Workgroup installation)
Lotus Domino®
Lotus Notes® version 4.6
If BlackBerry Connect software is installed on your
phone but not provisioned go directly to step 6 on
page 31.
Server version 4.6 or or later
Microsoft Windows Novell® GroupWise®
If you transfer the .sis file by other means than with your
PC and USB cable go directly to step 4 on page 31.
2000 SP4 or later
(Server or Advanced
Server edition) or
Microsoft Windows
Server™ 2003.
messaging and
client version 6.5 SP4
Note: If you want to install the .sis file from your PC
make sure that Sony Ericsson PC Suite for Smartphones
is installed on your PC. You can download the latest
collaboration server
6.5 SP1 or later
Installing BlackBerry Connect software
1. Connect your phone to the PC via the USB cable.
The connection icon in the status area to the right of
the taskbar on your PC changes colour to show the
state of the connection:
• BlackBerry Enterprise Server software must be
installed on your server, see BlackBerry Enterprise
Server User Guide for more details.
• Your email account must be added to BlackBerry
Enterprise Server. See your IT administrator for
further details.
when the icon is red there is no connection.
when the icon is amber the phone is connecting.
when the icon is blue the phone is connected.
Appendix A Installing BlackBerry Connect
Note: It is recommended that you backup your phone
before installing BlackBerry Connect software. To
backup: right click on the status area and select
Backup Manager.
2. Double click the BlackBerry Connect Setup file
(.sis) on your PC.
3. The Application Installer dialog opens on your PC.
Click Next to transfer the BlackBerry Connect
application from the PC to the internal memory of
your phone.
10. The Activation progress is shown, which shows a
description of the activation process. You can cancel
at any time by selecting the cancel button.
Tip If the inactivity lock activates on your phone, the
default phone lock code is 0000.
Note: If you cancel the provisioning before receiving the
service books, your phone will revert to the state it was
before attempting activation. If you cancel the
provisioning after receiving the service books,
synchronization is disabled and email configuration
settings could, for example, be missing.
4. The Install software dialog opens on your phone.
Select Install to continue.
5. When the installation is complete, select Yes to start
11. When the activation is completed, select Continue.
Your emails will now be sent to both your PC email
account and your phone, and new accounts called
BlackBerry and Sys Inbox will be visible when you
the BlackBerry setup.
Provisioning BlackBerry Enterprise Solution
6. If BlackBerry setup is not automatically started,
select from Standby Main menu > Tools >
BlackBerry > More > Set up account to start
BlackBerry setup.
are in
on your phone.
Setting up BlackBerry Enterprise Solution
with USB cable
7. Select Corporate account and select Done.
You will need:
8. Select Wireless, then select Done.
• The phone with a version of the Phone and
Organizer software that is approved for use with the
BlackBerry Connect software. Please check your
operator's Website to determine the required version
number, and then check the version you have by
9. Enter your corporate email address and a password
provided by your IT administrator, then select
> More > System information.
Appendix A Installing BlackBerry Connect
To download the latest version of the software, go to
the Sony Ericsson Update Service at
• An email account on one of the following systems:
Server software
Email software
• If BlackBerry is not installed, you will need a
BlackBerry Connect setup file (.sis).
• An Intel® 486 compatible PC or better that can run
Windows 2000, or Windows XP.
Microsoft Exchange Microsoft Outlook
Server version 5.5 or (Workgroup installation)
• A USB port with 1.1 compatibility or greater.
• Sony Ericsson PC Suite for Smartphones.
• A BlackBerry Enterprise Solution enabled SIM card
from your service provider.
• BlackBerry Connect Desktop for Sony Ericsson,
version or later.
Lotus Domino
Lotus Notes version 4.6
Server version 4.6 or or later
Microsoft Windows Novell GroupWise client
2000 SP4 or later
(Server or Advanced
Server edition) or
Microsoft Windows
Server™ 2003.
messaging and
version 6.5 SP4
collaboration server
6.5 SP1 or later
• BlackBerry Enterprise Server software must be
installed on your server, see BlackBerry Enterprise
Server User Guide for more details.
• Your email account must be added to BlackBerry
Enterprise Server. See your IT administrator for
further details.
Appendix A Installing BlackBerry Connect
Setting up BlackBerry Enterprise Solution via USB
Note: It is recommended that you backup your phone
before installing BlackBerry Connect software. To
backup: right click on the status area and select
Backup Manager.
2. Double click the BlackBerry Connect Setup file
(.sis) on your PC.
3. The Application Installer dialog opens on your PC.
Click Next to transfer the BlackBerry Connect
application from the PC to the internal memory of
your phone.
The installation process for BlackBerry Connect
software involves the creation of a link between your
phone, your mail server and BlackBerry Enterprise
Server. Once the link exists you can install the software
on the phone.
If BlackBerry Connect software is installed on your
phone but not provisioned go directly to step 6 on
page 33.
4. The Install software dialog opens on your phone.
Select Install to continue.
If you transfer the .sis file by other means than with your
PC and USB cable go directly to step 4 on page 33.
5. When the installation is complete, select Yes to start
the BlackBerry setup.
Note: If you want to install the .sis file from your PC
make sure that Sony Ericsson PC Suite for Smartphones
is installed on your PC. You can download the latest
Provisioning BlackBerry Enterprise Solution via USB
6. If BlackBerry setup is not automatically started,
select from Standby Main menu > Tools >
BlackBerry > More > Set up account to start
BlackBerry setup.
Installing BlackBerry Connect software
7. Select Corporate account and select Done.
1. Connect your phone to the PC via the USB cable.
The connection icon in the status area to the right of
the taskbar on your PC changes colour to show the
state of the connection:
8. Select USB cable, then select Done. Connect your
phone to the PC.
9. A dialog opens on your phone, select Continue.
Your phone establishes a connection with
BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
when the icon is red there is no connection.
when the icon is amber the phone is connecting.
when the icon is blue the phone is connected.
10. Starting Service is displayed,
flashing in the Status Bar of the phone. When the
software connects to the BlackBerry service Your
Appendix A Installing BlackBerry Connect
device is registered with the BlackBerry
infrastructure is displayed on the phone and the two
icons stop flashing. The status field changes to
PC email account and your phone, and new
accounts called BlackBerry and Sys Inbox will be
visible when you are in
on your phone.
For further details on using the BlackBerry Connect
Desktop for Sony Ericsson application see the online
Tip If the inactivity lock activates on your phone, the
default phone lock code is 0000.
Note: Make sure your phone is connected to an
appropriate PC via the USB Cable and the connection
icon is blue before you select Connect.
11. Open the ‘BlackBerry Connect Desktop for Sony
Ericsson’ application on the PC, and select
Connect. You will be asked to generate random
information for the new encryption key and PIN by
moving the mouse. The PIN tells BlackBerry
Enterprise Server which phone is associated with
your corporate email account.
When you connect and start the BlackBerry Connect
Desktop for Sony Ericsson application on your PC, you
will be asked if you want to start Calendar Bulk Load. If
your calendar has already been provisioned, click
Cancel. This is important because otherwise all your
calendar data will be erased.
Setting up BlackBerry
Internet Service
You will need:
12. A confirmation dialog is displayed. Click OK to
continue; the calendar bulk load starts. This process
may take some time. When it is ready your service
books will have been pushed to your phone.
Note: If you have installed BlackBerry Connect software
on your phone previously, a dialog may open informing
you that the connected phone is associated with another
BlackBerry Connect account. You will be given the
choice to continue with the install or exit.
• The phone with a version of the Phone and
Organizer software that is approved for use with the
BlackBerry Connect software. Please check your
operator's Website to determine the required version
number, and then check the version you have by
and More > System information.
13. Click Exit and then Yes on the PC to save the new
To download the latest version of the software, go to
settings. Your emails will now be sent to both your
Appendix A Installing BlackBerry Connect
the Sony Ericsson Update Service at
Installing BlackBerry Connect software
1. Connect your phone to the PC via the USB cable.
The connection icon in the status area to the right of
the taskbar on your PC changes colour to show the
state of the connection:
• A BlackBerry Internet Service enabled SIM card
from your service provider.
• If BlackBerry is not installed, you will need a
BlackBerry Connect setup file (.sis).
when the icon is red there is no connection.
when the icon is amber the phone is connecting.
when the icon is blue the phone is connected.
You can transfer the .sis file to your phone in many
ways. For example with your phone browser from, or via email or Bluetooth,
or you can download the .sis file with your PC and
then transfer it to your phone. If you use your PC to
transfer the file to your phone you need:
Note: It is recommended that you backup your phone
before installing BlackBerry Connect software. To
backup: right click on the status area and select
Backup Manager.
2. Double click the BlackBerry Connect Setup file
(.sis) on your PC.
3. The Application Installer dialog opens on your PC.
Click Next to transfer the BlackBerry Connect
application from the PC to the internal memory of
your phone.
– An Intel 486 compatible PC or better that can
run Windows 2000, or Windows XP.
– A USB port with 1.1 compatibility or greater.
– Sony Ericsson PC Suite for Smartphones.
Setting up BlackBerry Internet Service
If BlackBerry Connect software is installed on your
phone but not provisioned go directly to step 6 on
page 35.
If you transfer the .sis file by other means than with your
PC and USB cable go directly to step 4 on page 35.
4. The Install software dialog opens on your phone.
Select Install to continue.
5. When the installation is complete, select Yes to start
the BlackBerry setup.
Provisioning BlackBerry Internet Service
Note: If you want to install the .sis file from your PC,
make sure that Sony Ericsson PC Suite for Smartphones
is installed on your PC. You can download the latest
6. If BlackBerry setup is not automatically started,
select from Standby Main menu > Tools >
BlackBerry > More > Set up account to start
BlackBerry setup.
Appendix A Installing BlackBerry Connect
7. Select Personal account and select Done.
Tip If the inactivity lock activates on your phone, the
default phone lock code is 0000.
8. Your phone’s browser opens and displays the
BlackBerry Internet Service sign-in page. It might
take a few moments for your browser to open.
– Password – type a password with six or more
characters of your own choice. You will use this
to gain access to your BlackBerry Internet
Service account.
Make sure your login User ID and your Password are
stored in a safe place, then continue on to the next
Note: If the phone’s browser does not open, your phone
has not been configured to allow setting up via its own
browser. If this is the case, you must complete the setup
using a computer’s Web browser.
9. On your BlackBerry service provider’s Web site,
select the Create Your Account option. This will
take you to a sequence of pages that will set up your
new BlackBerry Internet Service email account.
12. Select your language, and then perform one of the
following actions:
– To associate an existing, supported email
address with your phone, type the full email
address of the Internet email account, such as,, and password into the
fields provided. You can add up to ten email
accounts this way.
10. You will be asked to read the legal terms and
conditions. Please read them carefully as they
contain important information. If you accept the
terms and conditions, continue on to the next page.
11. On the setup page you will be asked to enter the
following type of details:
– To create a new email address for your phone,
for example,,
select Create Address. Your login user ID is the
name that will appear before the @ sign in your
new BlackBerry email address.
Select next, and then OK. You may configure your
BlackBerry Internet Service account at any time in
the future. Simply log on to the Web site using your
phone or a computer.
– User ID – type a login name of your own choice.
This login name will form the first part of your
email address for the Web site.
Note: Using this email account is optional and you will
be able to add your own Internet email accounts later in
the setup process.
13. Turn your phone off and back on again. BlackBerry
Internet Service on your phone starts automatically
appears in the status bar of your phone. You
Appendix A Installing BlackBerry Connect
will receive an email message on your phone
welcoming you to BlackBerry Internet Service.
to the Internet. To do this, tap
bar of your phone. The status bar icon flashes
> Pause in the status
You have now set up BlackBerry Internet Service so that
you can send and receive email messages from the new
account that has been created in the list of messaging
accounts on your phone. Incoming email messages will
be sent to both your PC mail account and your phone.
To add email accounts:
1. Tap
> Settings in the status bar of your phone.
2. Select BlackBerry Internet from the menu. This
option will open the browser on your phone and
displays your service provider’s sign-in page. If the
BlackBerry Internet option is not available (grey),
you should open the phone’s browser and enter your
service provider’s Web address.
3. Enter your User ID and Password. Once you have
signed in to your account, you can modify your
basic settings and add extra Internet email (ISP)
accounts that are to be forwarded to your phone.
4. Select the ‘Add email accounts’ option. The Email
Accounts page opens.
5. Add your email account information into the
following fields:
Customizing your BlackBerry Internet
Service account
The BlackBerry Internet Service Web site allows you to
customize your account in a number of ways. It is worth
exploring the Web site to familiarize yourself with the
customization options available. For example, it is
possible to customize the ‘From’ email address, set
filters, choose your message preferences, and access an
extensive help system.
– Email Address – type the full email address of
the Internet email account, such as,
– User name – type your login ID. This is
normally the part of your email address before
the @ symbol.
– Password – type the password for this Internet
email account (not your BlackBerry Internet
Service account password).
These instructions explain how to arrange for email
messages sent to your existing Internet Service Provider
(ISP) email accounts to be automatically forwarded to
your BlackBerry Internet Service account.
Tip If your service provider contract does not permit
more than one data connection, it will be necessary to
place the BlackBerry service on pause before connecting
Appendix A Installing BlackBerry Connect
– Re-enter Password – retype your password.
6. Depending on your email account type you might be
prompted to complete the following fields:
8. When you have finished, select Done to close your
browser and disconnect the Internet connection.
9. You can also manage your BlackBerry Internet
Service account using your service provider’s Web
site via a computer. This allows you to add new
email accounts, set filters, choose your messaging
preferences, and use the extensive help system.
– Email Server – type the mail server address of
your service provider, such as,
– Port Number – type the appropriate port number.
Note: If you do not know these details contact the
service provider of the account you are adding.
• Microsoft Exchange
– Outlook Web Access URL – type the URL for
your Microsoft Outlook account Web site.
– Mailbox Name – type the mailbox name for your
Microsoft Outlook account.
• Lotus Domino
– iNotes™ – the URL for your Lotus Notes
account Web site.
Note: If you add a MicrosoftExchange or Lotus Domino
email account, you might be prompted to install the mail
connector application on your computer. Follow the on-
screen instructions to download and install the mail
7. You may repeat this procedure to add more
accounts, up to a maximum of eleven email
Appendix A Installing BlackBerry Connect
Appendix B Additional Information
BlackBerry Attachment
Viewer Formats
Adobe PDF
MS Excel
1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4
97, 2000, 2002 and
MS PowerPoint 97, 2000, 2002 and
MS Word
97, 2000, 2002 and
.doc, .dot
6 to 2000
.htm, .html
ZIP Archives
Up to and including 2.6 .zip
Appendix B Additional Information
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